Community of Practice: RARPA (Code: C1680)

This community of practice, facilitated by Natspec, brings together professionals working with learners with SEND from across the FE sector. We will be facilitating a number of themed discussions on RARPA topics. Our focus will be on understanding the RARPA process and creating a curriculum for non-accredited learning.  Topics for discussions include monitoring and tracking progress, Individual Learning Plans and target setting.  We aim to share good practice identified from across the sector and together produce realistic solutions to current provision challenges.


No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

Who is this for?

The Community of Practice will be of interest to a variety of people with many role jobs from SEND leaders and managers to curriculum leaders, transition managers, learning support managers and their teams as well as teaching staff and therapists.  

Training aim

This Community of Practice will run over the course of the year and includes:  

  • Networking opportunities      
  • Communication with others  
  • Participation in themed group discussions of your choice  
  • Advice and guidance  
  • Collaboration with experts  
  • Sharing of good practice/ tools and resources  


By joining this Community of Practice, you will share effective practice and be part of a network of practitioners working together to improve outcomes for learners with SEND.


Over the course of the year, there will be online meetings, where members of the community of practice will be able to chat to one another, share tools and resources, seek advice, and ask questions.

Entry Requirements

Interest in developing and improving your knowledge and understanding of the RARPA process and a willingness to share your experiences with the group.  

Contact us

If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

If you have any questions, please contact:

T: 0800 0 831 830