Leading in the 21st Century Residential (Code: C1702)

A safe space to explore your own learning; how do we lead change in a period of uncertainty and scarcity?  Creating organisations which constantly learn and adapt.

Pricing options

This course is fully subsidised by the DfE including all meals and accomodation. Delegates invited to attend this course will be expected to contribute their opinions and ideas during the course, as well as, take part in the ETF evaluation. 


London - Leading in the 21st Century
Date: 27/01/2025
Price: no charge
This instance is currently fully booked.
Booking Close Date: 14/01/2025
A safe space to explore your own learning; how do we lead change in a period of uncertainty and scarcity? Creating organisations which constantly learn and adapt.
Session 1
Date: 27/01/2025 - 29/01/2025
Venue: Clermont Hotel Victoria, 101 Buckingham Palace Rd, SW1W 0SJ
No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

Who is this for?

Experienced CEOs of FE and Skills providers 

Training aim

To provide space for CEOs to explore and reflect upon what the sector needs and what they need going forward.


  • Systems thinking – self in the system and creating a stronger more coherent voice. Developing true collaboration in a turbulent and competitive market place.
  • Creating organisations which know how and are constantly learning and adapting as part of their culture.


2 days and nights in London arriving lunchtime 12pm Monday 27th January and leaving after lunch 29th January 2pm

Entry Requirements

Experienced CEOs from an FE and Skills providers and preferably having done the Oxford Said Business School CEO programme

Contact us

If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

If you have any questions, please contact:

T: 0800 0 831 830
E: enquiries@etfoundation.co.uk