National ESOL Network (Code: C1749)


No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

Who is this for?

A national ESOL network in which ESOL teachers and trainers will have the opportunity to learn about new resources, share experiences and ideas, and participate in some CPD

Training aim

9.30- 9.40     Welcome and introductions – Nathan Rogan - ETF

9.40-10.25    Unlock the AI-pacity of ESOL Teaching! – Viorica Lucuta and Mafalda Giudice – New City College

10.25-10.35  Break

10.35-10.45  ETF’s ESOL CPD – Nathan Rogan - ETF

10.45-11.25  Breakout session 2 - Making ESOL learning fun and accessible with interactive quiz platforms – Gillian Courtney and Malika El Amrani – Community Training Portal

11.30-11.40  Break

11.40-12.25   Breakout session 3 – Developing speaking skills with video – Eve Shepperd – NATECLA North West Co-Chair

12.25-12.30   Plenary, Q&A and closing remarks


3 Hours

Contact us

If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

If you have any questions, please contact:

T: 0800 0 831 830