Managing Public Money (Code: C1813)

A series of roundtable discussions aimed at improving awareness and understanding of managing public money (MPM) to embed as part of day-to-day college culture. To support the sector dialogue and engagement around MPM in the FE sector, as set out in the dear accounting officer letter , bitesize guidance spring 2023 and the College financial handbook which came into effect from 1 August 2024 and oversight support and intervention guidance also with effect from August 2024.


Online - Managing public money 17/03/25 - leaders and governors
Date: 17/03/2025
Price: no charge
This instance is currently fully booked.
Booking Close Date: 17/03/2025
Session 1
Date: 17/03/2025 09:30 - 11:00
No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

Who is this for?

Senior leaders and governors accountable for financial propriety across a provider including senior leaders, finance directors, chief financial officers, governors, governance professionals and HR directors.

Training aim

To improve awareness and understanding of MPM supporting sector culture change.

Learning objectives:

  • Enhance awareness and understanding of MPM principles
    Participants will be able to identify key principles (as set out in the College Financial Handbook) and guidelines and describe the importance of Value for Money, financial accountability, transparency, and ethical management of public funds in the FE sector.
  • Foster sector-wide dialogue and engagement
    Participants will engage in sector-wide discussions, share challenges and experiences related to MPM, contribute to a shared commitment to embedding these principles into daily college operations and supporting sector culture change.
  • Empower leadership in embedding MPM into college culture
    Participants will share practical strategies and tools to integrate MPM principles, identify financial management and other controls risks, and utilise information to make informed strategic decisions in alignment with MPM.


  1. Improve skills, knowledge, understanding and awareness of the Managing Public Money (MPM) Principles.
  2. Supporting the drive to change college and sector cultural behaviours surrounding MPM.
  3. Identification of possible actions to embed MPM principles and compliance with the College Financial Handbook.


9 x 90 minute online events aimed at leaders and/or governors

Entry Requirements

You must be from an ESFA funded statutory FE sector provider with some decision-making powers around public money.

Contact us

If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

If you have any questions, please contact:

T: 0800 0 831 830