T Level Professional Development - Industry Insights Application Form

Applications for Industry Insights, academic year 23/24 opened on August 1st 2023.

Individual Industry Placements provide you with the opportunity to upskill by undertaking a range of activities within industry. You will observe industry colleagues, undertake tasks, and engage in day-to-day activities as agreed with the placement employer.

Your education establishment will receive £400 remission for each full day (6 hours is equal to a full day).

If you would like further information regarding Industry Insights activities, please visit our website.

Important! Please read carefully before applying:

Your application should be submitted and line manager approved a minimum of 5 working days prior to the placement taking place. Once you have submitted your application, we will ask your line manager to review and approve the application. Therefore, please make them aware of this deadline and ensure their email address is correct on your application form.

You will need to agree the dates, times, and activities to be undertaken with the placement employer prior to completing this form. Please make your placement employer aware that the ETF will contact them regarding your placement.

Please be aware that any application that is incomplete or is submitted outside of the above timescale will not be approved by the ETF.

Completing the application form

Please complete all sections.

In order to complete the application form, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Your line manager's contact details
  • Your education establishment's finance contact details (in order to pay remission)
  • Your placement employer's contact details (including email address)
  • Dates & timings of the placement
  • An outline of the activity you will undertake and how this will benefit your T Level planning and delivery

You will be able to check the status of your application at any point and industryinsights@etfoundation.co.uk will be available to answer any questions you may have.

If you need to complete your application over a period of time, you can return to it by logging into the Booking System and accessing your live applications.

If you have not secured a placement employer to complete an Individual Industry Placement with and you would like support from our Employer Engagement Coordinators in identifying strategies for contacting employers, please e-mail industryinsights@etfoundation.co.uk