National Maths Network (Code: C1549)

A national maths network in which maths teachers will have the opportunity to learn about new resources, share experiences and ideas, and participate in some CPD.



No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

Training aim

9.30- 9.40      Welcome and Introductions - Julie Baxter - ETF

9.40-10.20    Overcoming anxiety and building resilience: A session on motivation and engagement for learning - Natacha Shakil - NSCG

10.20-10.50  Breakout session 1 – discussion and peer learning from the presentation

10.50-11.05    Break

11.05-11.35    Learner progress – how can we measure it? - Bianca Fanciullaci- HRUC

11.35-12.05   CPD – Who does it benefit? - Mark Bellworthy - Harlow College

12.05-12.25    Breakout session 2 - discussion and peer learning from the presentation

12.25-12.30    Plenary, Q&A and Closing remarks  


3 hours

Contact us

If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.

If you have any questions, please contact:

T: 0800 0 831 830