Revision strategies for maths exams (Code: C1743)
No suitable dates or locations? Please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.
Who is this for?
Maths practitioners hoping to acquire and discuss some last-minute revision strategies for learners before the summer exam series.
Training aim
To share some strategies for better engaging learners with revision sessions.
- Outline some ideas for making revision sessions more engaging.
- Share some strategies to prepare learners for exams.
- Consider how cognitive theory impacts revision strategies.
One Hour
Entry Requirements
None, but we do ask you attend with using a device with a functioning camera and microphone.
Contact us
If this course is not currently available at a suitable date/location, please register your interest and we will let you know about new events as they are announced.
If you have any questions, please contact:
T: 0800 0 831 830